Monday, September 3, 2012

Twitter organizer, anyone?

Here is the proof that I've been living under a rock.  I just got up and moving on a twitter account - @SuptMLewis.  Yes, I know that is something that should have happened a long time ago, and I hope that it isn't just a quick flash in the pan for me.  As this "new to me" opportunity emerges, I just wonder how I am going to stay on top of it.  I know that isn't the point, but until it becomes relatively natural to post things (shoutout to Dr. Scott McLoed, who appears to have an ability to post on his blog, twitter, and 7 other places simultaneously - and all with entirely different topics) it will need to be a conscious effort.  My downfall with blogging, facebook, and whatever else is not a lack of enjoying it, but it is a lack of getting things out of the process in general.  Essentially, what can I learn from this is process in a short amount of time or at least cause my interest to be tweaked.  I have used my google account to funnel most of the information, but I don't see where that will even really help me for Twitter.  Wise people out there, give me some advice on how to manage these awesome tools.

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