Monday, June 27, 2011

BK Summer Lunch Rocks

KIMT made the trip to the Belmond-Klemme Community School District to share what is happening with the Summer Lunch Program that began earlier this summer.  I had hoped that we could serve around 50 kids on a daily basis, and when our first day was 200 kids and 22 adults, we had some adjustments to make.  Thanks to our kitchen staff, who were initially volunteers, for all of the hard work and positive attitudes that they bring to these students in the summer months.  Also thanks to Ann Murphy, who really did the legwork to make this happen, and was able to serve those 222 meals on day one due to some good thinking.  Check out the video and story about how BK's Summer Lunch Rocks!


Kastendieck said...

Great program for the summer. Makes me want to ask a lot of questions such as...
Is this a sustainable program that can continue as long as there is interest?
How many students are utilizing the lunch now and what are the age groups of adults that eat?
Has there been any conflicts with local eating establishments?
What Healthy Kids Act criteria has to be met?
Are students welcome without parents?
I really enjoy the idea that schools are communities and communities are schools: niether which should close during the summer or anyother time....
Oh great PR also that is a plus!!!!

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