Sunday, May 22, 2011


Another opportunity, another thank-you, another rewarding experience.  This past Friday, I was able to meet with a group of aspiring superintendents through the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) program at Iowa State University.  This is the same program that I completed a few years ago, and it is in its third cohort, thus CAS 3.  When we started, there was no preparation on my part (or I believe on the part of the others either) and we had an opportunity to simply speak plainly about our experiences.  They were varied and from all segments of the spectrum in so many ways.  Our approaches and philosophies were also representative of a wide thought process, so it is my belief that the group had a good chance to hear examples of things they could do, things they liked, things they disliked, and maybe even a few items that they hadn't expected. 
One thing that I never really liked about this type of presentation is that it felt kind of like that - a presentation.  The discussion was "limited" to some degree, but the class had brainstormed a few questions that really did cover a lot.  What I prefer about the conversation style in this setting, however, is I didn't really know if we were able to answer the questions they were coming up with as we spoke.  There were a few, and the questions and scenarios were excellent. 
My thanks to Dr. Jan Beatty and Dr. Mike Book for inviting us to participate.  One of the best parts of the day was to re-connect with Cassandra Murra, one of the CAS 1 members, and talk about all of the awesome things that have been happening under her vigilant guidance as superintendent. 
Best of luck to all members of the CAS programs.


Scott McLeod said...

We so appreciate your willingness to speak to our new CAS students, Marshall. I know they benefited greatly from hearing your experiences and perspectives. Thank you!

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