Sunday, May 9, 2010

Opportunity in Disguise

In recent months, I have begun a job search that has allowed me to meet with a variety of educational leaders in various parts of the state of Iowa. Initially, this was not a pleasant task. Due to finances and the decision to close one of three buildings in our district, our administrative team was reduced by one. Unfortunately for me and my family, the administrator reduced was, you guessed it, me. After serving our students here for eight years, I found myself in a situation that was not planned nor expected only a few months ago.

I have enjoyed my time here, found great successes and good friends, and felt that I had done a very good job in my position. Determined to continue with pride and professionalism, I took the deep breath and put on the smile I had always carried. It was superficial as my heart raced with fear of the unknown and deep uncertainty of my preparedness for a job search. Sitting down and updating a resume along with a cover letter in less than 2 hours is a skill made possible only by this type of situation, but I can verify it can be done.

Many people have talked with me about my situation of insecurity and trepidation of what the future may bring. All have been very supportive and have even offered assistance, support, and perspective. This was another opportunity that I have been overlooking all along - that of actually telling someone that they are appreciated. This noted, I have found myself much more able to take that step and let those around me know how essential they have been to my life.

The last disguised opportunity that came from this development was that of meeting with the educational leaders I mentioned in the opening paragraph. Wow, what good things are happening around our state! What great people we have in all kinds of educational positions! What a difference these people are making for our kids! What learning I have come away with through these conversations!

Although it would not be my desire to repeat the last few months - at least this part of it, my appreciation of what we are currently offering students has only grown. I have enjoyed much of this experience as a learning opportunity. Shedding the distasteful and bitter emotions of forced change can open a heart and mind to what is out there and the potential that exists for our students, kids, children...and maybe, if I get lucky, the right opportunity will land in my path. Hopefully I'll see through that disguise as well and look for the opportunity beneath the surface.


Damon said...

Well Marshall. I was in your shoes, to a point, before I found the career I have now. Was in a position that was being eliminated. Interviewed for basically a lateral move, but threw the interview. Quite honestly, I was tired of the profession and needed to find the greener pastures. All you have to answer to tank an interview with a current employer, tell them the truth about their inept systems and management styles, and they will give you a severence package. But, there is always a better day ahead. I love my career now. I have time for family that was never available before. I have flexability, and get to help people. Like has been said before," when God closes a door, He opens a window." Head up and moving forward, the only way to go through life.

Anonymous said...

Your comment..." Shedding the distasteful and bitter emotions of forced change can open a heart and mind to what is out there and the potential that exists for our students, kids, children...and maybe, if I get lucky, the right opportunity will land in my path. Hopefully I'll see through that disguise as well and look for the opportunity beneath the surface. " is very profound. It is also a frame of mind that has to begin again every morning. Lots of advice is given 'doors shut window open, build up not tear down, not bitter but better' all these things help the daily battle and scream of, THIS IS NOT FAIR!!! Screaming is a part of every battle.
I do have full confidence that your battle will end with a victory.

Marshall said...

I appreciate both of your supportive comments and see the perspective of both. I have received nothing but support from my community in this transition, and it is my intent to leave with my head held high and tail wagging in the air. Although the future is unsure (and if the window isn't big enough, maybe the garage door will open), I know what I have done in my district and at my school is good...very good. Personal pride doesn't pay the bills, but it does justify what I've done here. There will always be a little bit of me in this district, and I wish the best for the students here. It will be an uphill battle, and someone will step up to fill the holes. I hope they miss me here but that the students don't miss out.

dkeane said...

I have confidence in your capabilities and know that you will soon find the branch you are meant to take perch upon. You will be an asset to whatever organization you join. The way in which you continue to stay positive speaks volumes to the character you possess.

Trish Morris said...

Marshall - just wanted to drop you a note letting you know that I did visit your blog and how much I enjoyed talking to you and hearing your answers to some tough questions while you were on the hot seat! I hope you had a great tour with Mr. Dye! If you want to know more about him and what happened go to my blog is


Marshall said...

Trish, welcome and thanks! As you see, I don't get a lot of new readers, but any are welcome. I'm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you and have really enjoyed the process. My family and I are excited to become official Broncos, and we hope that we can bring some positives to BK as well as benefit from what is already established. Thanks again, I'll check on Mr. Dye.

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