Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bus Safety Is NOT an Optional Activity

In a very timely manner, the Iowa Department of Education released the August issue of School Leader Update, including some great information about how we ignore school busses.  This is directly from that publication (less the fancy layout), and my great thanks to Max Christian, who ok'd the use of this information as he continues to do a fabulous job of leading the school transportation of our state.

The actual survey was backed by NASDPTS – National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services - and we thank them for their efforts.

School bus stop arm violation survey Earlier this spring, Iowa school districts were urged to be part of a
nationwide school bus stop arm violation survey. A school bus stop arm violation occurs when another motorist passes a stopped school bus while the bus is either loading or unloading students. This is illegal in all states, including Iowa, and is a very serious trend.
With that in mind, Iowa joined with 27 other states, and on May 11
conducted a statewide stop arm violation survey. The nationwide results were released recently by the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS), organizers of the nationwide survey. NASDPTS will be working with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the American Automobile Association (AAA) to strengthen the pass-by laws across the nation and to bring some much-needed attention to this alarming issue.
Go to to view the nationwide survey results. For more information, contact Max Christensen at 515-281-4749 or
Survey results in Iowa: Number of buses participating: 2,295 (about 46% of the buses in Iowa) Number of violation incidents: 327 (the number of times a vehicle passed the stop sign of a stopped school bus) Number of violating vehicles: 393 (the number of vehicles that passed those stopped school buses – some incidents in-volved more than one violating vehicle) Percentage that occurred during a.m. routes: 46.2% Percentage that occurred during mid-day routes: 3.6% Percentage that occurred during p.m. routes: 50.3% Percentage that passed from the front of the bus: 63.9% Percentage that passed from the rear of the bus: 36.1% Percentage that passed on the left: 97% (the road side of the bus) Percentage that passed on the right: 3% (the side where the door is located)

Here is link to the NASDPTS website where you can find more info on the stop arm violation survey.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Little Good Ink in The Globe Gazette Too

Earlier this year (June) I posted about a summer lunch program that Belmond-Klemme was kicking off.  Since then the community, families, and students have seen wonderful results from the dedicated work of many individuals.  The Mason City Globe Gazette has included this program in an article that incorporates similar fantastic efforts of other area schools.  This is worth a look for so many reasons, but one that I would like to point out is the statistic column beside the article.  We are fighting a losing battle with finance, economy, and basic needs.  Thanks to the MANY people that have done a great job of making this work for the kids in our area. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What WE Do Affects Our KIDS

Moving forward isn't as easy as it may seem at times.  Especially when mired in the routines and expectations that we have grown up with, the status quo is a comfort zone that we can find in a quickly moving world.  The question is what that means for our kids.  After I am gone, what is the environment that my kids will find to be their comfort zone?  How about grandkids and generations after that?  Although I still love the concept of Iowa values of hard work and caring for others, there is clearly a global impact that has penetrated our corn fields.  We can either fight it or embrace it.  I fear the results of a fight.  This is the 5th video in a series that has explained some of the direction that technology has enabled us to access.  It is worth the look if you haven't seen it.  If you have, it's worth a second or third look. 

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