I just read a good perspective from Justin Bathon over at "The Edjurist" that got my attention and maybe even a bit of ire. Some of the point is well taken, but some appears to be more of a "slight of hand type of move to focus on someone else, not me" thing. Please note that Justin is a respected blogger by many, including me. This time, though, I think he just has missed his normally high bar of expectation. Hey, that happens.
In his response was this excerpt:
How flippant, that combo of teachers' unions and ed schools. Are we to be demonized the same way as teachers' unions historically have been? Are we now officially part of the "problem" narrative in the media and amongst politicians? I have been noticing an uptick in the blame associated with ed. schools lately and this seems to be just the latest evidence in our eroding respect.
Justin, are you saying that the unions are "rightfully" demonized then? Politicians too, I would guess. I'm in administration, and frequently there are disagreements in philosophy. That doesn't mean they are clearly “the bad guys” it means they have their priorities and I have mine. At the same time, I have hired teachers that have been poorly prepared by higher education institutions for the current need. This basically means that in these three groups I have found a level of difference between their core beliefs and mine. None of these groups do I consider villains, but neither do I consider the masses of these groups representative of knights in shining armor. Sure there are some that are exceptions on both extremes. That's life. I always laugh, for example, at every movie that depicts the principal of a HS as a tyrannical moron, which is a vast majority of the movies I have ever found. Yep, those personalities are there, and maybe I'm one, but I don't really think to the degree that is depicted. I think on this one, Justin, tougher skin may be the answer for you.
Also, Justin, if you did check this out, I'd invite you to join in on a few of the conversations we're having here. We clearly don't have all of the answers, but I think you'll find honesty and daring in the conversations. We don't always make people happy, but I think we are pretty realistic and listen to other perspectives than our own. Love to have your perspectives on some of our topics as well, and thanks for your post.
In his response was this excerpt:
How flippant, that combo of teachers' unions and ed schools. Are we to be demonized the same way as teachers' unions historically have been? Are we now officially part of the "problem" narrative in the media and amongst politicians? I have been noticing an uptick in the blame associated with ed. schools lately and this seems to be just the latest evidence in our eroding respect.
Justin, are you saying that the unions are "rightfully" demonized then? Politicians too, I would guess. I'm in administration, and frequently there are disagreements in philosophy. That doesn't mean they are clearly “the bad guys” it means they have their priorities and I have mine. At the same time, I have hired teachers that have been poorly prepared by higher education institutions for the current need. This basically means that in these three groups I have found a level of difference between their core beliefs and mine. None of these groups do I consider villains, but neither do I consider the masses of these groups representative of knights in shining armor. Sure there are some that are exceptions on both extremes. That's life. I always laugh, for example, at every movie that depicts the principal of a HS as a tyrannical moron, which is a vast majority of the movies I have ever found. Yep, those personalities are there, and maybe I'm one, but I don't really think to the degree that is depicted. I think on this one, Justin, tougher skin may be the answer for you.
Also, Justin, if you did check this out, I'd invite you to join in on a few of the conversations we're having here. We clearly don't have all of the answers, but I think you'll find honesty and daring in the conversations. We don't always make people happy, but I think we are pretty realistic and listen to other perspectives than our own. Love to have your perspectives on some of our topics as well, and thanks for your post.